Liquid Calcium Chloride
Liquid Solutions Inc.
Liquid Solutions has three locations for self-serve calcium chloride dispensing. Contact us to set up your access permission. Our filling stations are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click on the maps below for directions.
Questions or Need A Quote? Contact Us Today!
- 24/7 Access
- LSI Smartphone app access
- 21,000 gallon storage tank
- 150 gallon per minute output
- Michigan Dept. of Weights and Measurements Certified meter
- Patent pending
Pre-approved customers can access the filling station with a smart phone using our LSI App. Customers are assigned a password that allows access to dispense Calcium Chloride into their spray truck. The filling station is equipped with a pump that dispenses 120-150 gallons per minute. The tank supplying the filling station has 21,000 gallon of storage capacity and is remotely monitored to ensure adequate levels are maintained. All transactions are registered and applied to the account holder and billed accordingly.
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Additional Information About Filling Station
- Certified by the State of Michigan Weights and Measures Division for accuracy.
- Monitored by remote cameras for security and lighting for nighttime filling.
We look forward to providing you with the best quality and most convenient liquid de-icer available. If you have further questions or are interested in becoming a customer, you can contact us by filling out a contact request form or calling our office at 616-340-5864.

Calcium Chloride Road Construction
Liquid Solutions Inc has partnered with road construction contractors through out Michigan to provide our Calcium Chloride to fill crash barriers setup on road projects.
For more information Contact Liquid Solutions

Client Testimonials
My clients are very pleased with the 'bare lots for safety and clear time following an event'. Many, many clients are realizing a large savings in the maintenance areas as salt tracks/stains on floors/entrances, whereas the product from LSI does not - it goes where you apply it
The first season of using LSI product, we estimate that we reduced our rock salt usage by nearly 50%. Client response to our using liquid has been very positive.
After much consideration, we decided to get into liquid ice melt last season. Their Product has performed exactly as they promised, and they had the brine analysis to prove it! If you are considering liquid ice melters, I would highly recommend working with LSI!
Request a Free Quote
Fill out the form below or call (616) 340-5864
Mailing Address:
6757 Cascade Rd. SE #45
Grand Rapids MI 49546